This arch was built out of reclaimed J.Price brick and sits above a new window opening. It measured roughly 7ft at the top and 6ft at the bottom span of the arch. All the voussoirs were tapered to accommodate a consistent joint size from top to bottom of the arch. The brick width is 2.5” at the top and 2.125” at the bottom. It used to be that this was a common method of spanning an opening. Nowadays you really only get to rebuild them on old construction on heritage buildings. In this case a steel lintel sits under the arch as this is a new opening and regulation calls for it. The sill used in this window was reclaimed from an adjacent window that was bricked up. As fortune would have it the sill was a perfect length. To the general public it would appear the window had existed there forever. This work was done on a project in the Rosedale neighbourhood of Toronto.